
The Uberdl Minecraft server has survival, creative, hardcore factions, and recreations of Minecraft: Legacy Console Edition minigames. It currenly runs on the latest version, but has planned support for 1.15.2

Texture Pack

If you're like me then you probably hate the new Minecraft music. I have made a texture pack that removes all songs added in 1.16 - 1.21 and it replaces them with various C418 songs and SiIvaGunner rips. For example, the music disc 5 is replaced with Luxury Elite's "Beauty"

All songs are listed here

Drag the zip to home/.minecraft/resourcepacks

Legacy Console Skins

Here is a list of all skin packs from the Legacy Console Minecraft. Please not that not all skins work on Java Edition (the stocking and dalek skins) so they're not here.

  • Default Skin Pack
  • Skin Pack 1
  • Uberdl Skin Pack 1